How can I send a message to a segment of my audience?

You can send a message to one of the audiences that you have already created by following these steps:

  1. Click on the Campaigns button on the left-hand side of my page
  2. In the top right hand corner of the next page, you'll see a new engament button, click that button.
  3. Click the SMS button
  4. Under the question What type of SMS? click the Simple button
  5. Under Engagement Name, delete the current text and type in a name for this SMS
  6. Type in the message that you are interested in sending in the orange box.
  7. If you are interesting in addign a URL to the message, type %w as a placeholder then click on the URL button at the bottom of the message box.
  8. Enter the URL, including http:// or https://. The unique URL will be checked. We advise leaving it checked, as it will create a unique short URL that will give you more information in your message and will track the CTR of the URL.
  9. Next you may want to add tags to your message, you can do this by clicking on the tags button. The benefit of tagging your messages is that you will be able to sort through your sort messages using the tagging mechanism.
  10. Next, click Next.
  11. Under Send to, click All Audiences and on the right hand side select which Audiences you would like to send the message to.
  12. If you do not want to send it to people that are in multiple audiences, click No audiences selected and then on the right hand side of the page select any brands that you do not want to send the message to
  13. Next you'll want to schedule the delivery. You can schedule the delivery to execute, immediately, at a certain time, or on a scheduled basis.

If you want to send a message to a more segmented portion of your audience, you can do that by following these steps: